Keighley Association Of Engineers
Apprentice, skilled craftsman, designer, retired engineer or simply someone with an interest in engineering the Association offers something for everyone
With a history dating back over a hundred years The Keighley Association of Engineers is as active today as when first formed in 1900. Whether you're an apprentice, skilled craftsman, designer, retired engineer or simply someone with an interest in engineering the Association offers something for everyone. Operating a syllabus of events throughout the year the our aim is to inform and inspire thro
Quick reminder for tonight's talk. See the last post for details.
The next event on the syllabus is a talk entitled "Hidden under the Carpet" by Martin Lunn M.B.E. on Thursday 30th May.

The next event on the syllabus is a talk entitled "Hidden under the Carpet" by Martin Lunn M.B.E. on Thursday 30th May.
Please see the flyer for more details.
It would be appreciated if you would let John Pankhurst, the association's Secretary, know that you are attending. John can be contacted by
email [email protected] or by
telephone 07582822922.

The next event on the syllabus is a visit to Keighley Model Railway club (KMRC) on Saturday 20th April 2024 starting at 1.30PM.
Please see the flyer for more details.
It would be appreciated if you would let Richard Newsham know that you are attending. Richard can be contacted by
email on [email protected]

The next event on the syllabus is a visit to Craftsman Tools Ltd on Thursday 27th March.
Please see the flyer for more details.
It would be appreciated if you would let John Pankhurst, the association's Secretary, know that you are attending. John can be contacted by
email [email protected] or by
telephone 07582822922.
Some important information for this evenings talk (22nd Feb 2024) from the Association's Secretary :-
I have been informed this afternoon that the lift will not be working for our Talk tonight. This malfunction has only happened today.
I will meet you all at the reception on the ground floor and Karen Nicols will carefully guide you in groups to our third floor venue and back down at the end of the night.
If you have booked and now decide not to come, we understand. If you have not booked and want to come you are most welcome as are any guest who wish to attend.
If you are attending you may wish to arrive a few minutes earlier than planned for the ascent to our training room. I will be at reception from 7pm.
Regards - John Pankhurst - Secretary and Website Editor

Just a reminder for tonight's talk (22nd Feb 2024).
The next event on the syllabus is "Heroic Failures of Invention" by John Trenouth on Thursday 22nd February.
Please see the flyer for more details.
It would be appreciated if you would let John Pankhurst, the association's Secretary, know that you are attending. John can be contacted by
email [email protected] or by
telephone 07582822922.

The next event on the syllabus is "Heroic Failures of Invention" by John Trenouth on Thursday 22nd February.
Please see the flyer for more details.
It would be appreciated if you would let John Pankhurst, the association's Secretary, know that you are attending. John can be contacted by
email [email protected] or by
telephone 07582822922.
The Keighley Association of Engineers would like to inform you that its 2024 Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 13th March 2024 at Phoenix Training Services. The meeting starts at 7.30pm.
The meeting will be followed by Pie and Peas and a talk by James Gaunt.
It would be appreciated if you would let John Pankhurst, the association's Secretary, know that you are attending. John can be contacted by
email [email protected] or by telephone 07582822922.