Mardi Brass
Mardi Brass - London's evolutionary brass ensemble. Fraser Tannock & Eddie Maxwell: trumpets, Jon Hassan: horn, Adam Woolf: trombone, Jeff Miller: tuba

Nice to back at the Barbican for some graduation ceremonies. With Fraser Tannock Jonathan Hassan Jeff Miller Beth Calderbank and Edward Maxwell
With the start of term approaching, hopefully most of our school brass ensembles will be permitted to rehearse. Brass teachers usually do their own arrangements, for their own unique line-up of players, so we’ve just launched ‘Arrange Exchange’ where we can pool and share our resources. To join, just submit an arrangement and then you can have free access to the library. Then for every piece you use, you need to submit another one to the library on an honesty basis. No money changes hands. Arrangements must be submitted as a MusicXML file (and also the programme used to create it - eg. Sibelius or Finale), so everyone can adapt pieces for their own groups. Send your pieces to [email protected] and we’ll add your music to the library and give you the password.
Arrange Exchange – Mardi Brass Arrange Exchange Enter members’ page Many brass teachers produce lots of arrangements for the school ensembles they direct. ‘Off the shelf’ arrangements are usually not suitable for the mixture of instruments and standards we need to cater for, so we do our own. The idea of this page is to poo...

Great memories! This was the last day of a 10 - year recording project. What a pleasure to be joined by the great Gordon Campbell.
* Something Old: music from 1550 - 1900
* Something New: music from 1990 - (including previously unrecorded works and new commissions)
* Something Borrowed: music borrowed from borrowed idea
* Something Blue: music inspired by the blues and the colour blue.
Still a limited supply of this 4-CD set available at £10 for over 450 years of great brass music. For 4 1/2 hours of music, that's really not much...
Great to be joined today at the last minute by Gordon Campbell for our last session recording 'Something Blue'. Can't wait to hear it!

After a hard day’s work at the Barbican

Crazy summer give-away!
All four of our 'Something...' series (Old, New, Borrowed and Blue) for just £10 with free UK postage. Please spread the word!
Mardi Brass - Home Mardi Brass - Home

Crikey! £60.78?! Don't worry - if you've been saving up to purchase this fantastic Mardi Brass recording (including works by Jan Bach, John McCabe, and Michael Nyman, amongst others) rest assured they are available from for a very reasonable price.

Come along and celebrate the completion of our ambitious recording project! Features music from all four CDs - Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue, including the premiere performance of Ian Stephans' 'Ultramarine'. And all in aid of a great cause - the Macular Society. Saturday 10 October, St Paul's Church, Covent Garden.

Come along to our concert as part of the Mole Valley Arts Alive Festival. Please spread the word - it's perfect for children, brass pupils... and everyone else.

Very sorry to hear of the death of John McCabe. We recorded his 'Hawk in Winter Light' on our CD Something New and it's turned out to be a real favourite. Great writing.
Something New... Contemporary Works for Brass Quintet Album · 2008 · 13 Songs

Something Blue is now out!
Check out our website to listen to extracts and buy a copy. There are discounts available if you want to buy more than one CD from the 'Something...' series.

Extracts of all the tracks from our forthcoming release, Something Blue. And while you're there, have a listen to Hark! to get you in the mood for Christmas.
Mardi Brass - Listen to Mardi Brass Mardi Brass - Listen to Mardi Brass