Innovate Advocate Collaborate Educate
Superyacht Training & Education Specialist
Crew Mentor |

April the 22nd is World Earth Day…
🌱The OM supports EARTHDAY.ORG to honor and celebrate our remarkable planet on this extraordinary day.
🌊Earth Day is a reminder of the importance of environmental conservation and sustainability, encouraging us to come together and take action for a healthier planet and brighter future.
🌳For Earth Day 2024 EARTHDAY.ORG is unwavering in their commitment to end plastics for the sake of human and planetary health, demanding a 60% reduction in the production of ALL plastics.
🌿They aim to raise awareness, inspire change, and foster a deeper connection with nature. Let’s unite in our efforts to protect the Earth today and for generations to come.
🌏Together, we can make a meaningful impact and create a more sustainable world.
* Action 1: Support The Global Plastics Treaty
* Action 2: Reject Fast Fashion
* Action 3: Join The Great Global Clean Up
Support and find out more - April the 22nd is World Earth Day…

Introducing Falmouth Marine Schools Superyacht Engineer Programme currently recruiting for September 2024
Join us for an exciting Taster Day on Saturday the 20th of April
Explore our Campus, and a sail train vessel, try your hand at virtual reality marine engineering training and learn all about the role of a Superyacht Engineer and how you could have a career working in the Superyacht industry.
Register now for the taster day
Supported by the Department for Education, through the
Local Skills Improvement Fund (LSIF).

International Women’s Day
Invest in women…. Accelerate Progress
This year’s theme “Invest in Women - Accelerate Progress” could not be a more powerful, timely and apt message for the Superyacht sector.
I am fortunate to collaborate and work with so many amazing women in this industry, and to support teach and mentor many more throughout their careers…
This post is dedicated to the unsung heroines, the bloody amazing powerhouses…
To the captains, the chefs, the officers, the interior managers, to the engineers, to the bosuns, to the junior stews, the deckhands, to the pursers, to the chase boat drivers, to the ETO’s …
To the young woman just starting out to those who have long careers in the sector, to the young and not quite so young, to the beautiful, strong, insightful and extraordinary…
To the entrepreneurs, the trail blazers, the pioneers, the campaigners, the advocates the experts in their field….
To the eco and sustainability warriors, the innovators, the mentors the coaches, the groundbreakers, to the grafters, the never give up on a dreamers….
To those that inspire, teach, guide, create, the explorers, the pushers of boundaries…
To the brave, the resilient, the leaders, the team players …
To those pushing everyday to make a difference, the visionaries, the survivors, the givers of wisdom….
What an extraordinary and powerful force for change we are, what incredible achievements have already been realised, but what untapped potential, what overlooked and unappreciated talent is waiting to be utilised….
For all the amazing opportunities this industry offers, for the passion we have for it, so many women STILL face prejudice, sexism and very unequal opportunities…
The truth is you incredible women make a huge difference everyday and without your commitment, your voice and resilience, this industry would be a much poorer place. Let’s work together, let’s invest in Women, let’s Accelerate Progress..
THE OM … I develop pathways and solutions for Superyacht crew to achieve success in their professional lives, driving the industry to develop new strategies to evolve and grow towards an innovative, sustainable and equitable future …

The Water Revolution Foundation has launched Version 1 of the Environmental Crew Guidelines, an initiative aimed at creating more sustainable practices for the yachting industry.
The Guidelines highlight the best practices for crew and offers information and inspiration for eco-friendlier behaviour onboard yachts. The guide has been written by and for crew and has received contributions from industry experts.
Originally initiated by MB92 they are a collaborative effort between creator Danella Hopkins, formerly of Black Pearl, and the Water Revolution Foundation.
The free and open-source tool offers 24 distinct sections, aimed at providing crew with details on how to adopt more conscious practices into their daily routines.
“There are immediate actions that crew can take on board to introduce more environmentally-friendly practices, which can significantly reduce emissions (by up to 30 percent), whether by optimising temperature settings, making slight adjustments to cruising speeds or employing effective resource management,” said MB92.
The OM is an official Supporter of the initiative alongside Burgess, Damen Yachting, Divergent Yachting, Feadship, Fraser Yachts, Heesen Yachts, Lürssen, Oceanco, Safe Harbor Marinas, Sanlorenzo, The Crew Network,Virtual Pursers, Y.CO, and YPI Crew have pledged their commitment as official supporting companies.
Additionally S/Y Black Pearl and M/Y Savannah have also come onboard as ambassadors within the fleet.
The guidelines are now available to read on the Water Revolution Foundation website, or DM and I can send through direct. Feedback is welcomed.
“As an industry we have a significant and complex transition towards sustainability to make over time, however it is very often the accumulation of small but impactful steps, that facilitate the most powerful, fundamental and transformational change”
Emma Baggett Founder/Director THE OM

After yesterdays post explaining the back story today marks the first post this year of THE OM Blog Crew Takeover….
I am very happy to introduce the first contributing author Mick Walsh Chartered Engineer | Chief Engineer Reg lll/2 | MIEI | MIMarEST | and his article:-
Safety to Sustainability: Reflections on Education as the key to Culture
* Fourteen years ago Chief Engineer Mick Walsh attended a routine Human Factors training session, today he explores how its lessons have continued to resonate through his experiences onboard ever since and how the ripple effect of knowledge and a new perspective benefits not just the individual but all those crew who work alongside them.
* He ponders the irony that those crew who could gain the most from embracing training and or professional development are often the ones least likely to engage with it.
* Discusses the ongoing argument of the value of experience over qualification and how his opinions have formed.
* He discusses the advent of culture change in the sector and the influence that education, effective leadership and communication have had on its evolution.
* And explores the true nature of global sustainability goals and why meeting their targets, remains one of the biggest challenges to the maritime industry.
Take some time and enjoy the read….
If you would like to find out more about Mick there is a full bio alongside his blog post on the THE OM Blog follow the link in Bio:
Where you can also explore some of the work of THE OM.
You can also read his full blog post published in full on my LinkedIn account
Where we would also encourage comments and thoughts
THE OM: Innovate | Advocate| Collaborate| Educate |

I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that I am idea rich & time poor…
When developing my website I started a blog as soon as I could, passionate to express my ideas & experiences, whilst raising awareness of some of the largely unspoken issues & initiatives within the industry both positive & negative.
I was full of ideas and enthusiasm but as my business took off, I increasingly found myself struggling to find the time to write.
Recently, I was chatting to an online superyacht news platform, they mentioned that their articles were strictly limited to only 600 words, prospective writers were advised to avoid complex language & to choose subjects that would be easily digested as a “quick read” by crew.
This got me thinking…
In the course of my work I hold in depth discussions with superyacht crew most days. I ask their opinions & advice when I am tackling a particular subject area & I am always incredibly grateful, when so many of them take the time in their busy lives, to write fascinating, skilfully written & revealing responses.
So this year I am opening up my blog to superyacht crew, creating a platform to discuss their thoughts, experiences & insights across a diverse range of themes, from technical to operational, training to professional development, leadership, sustainability and innovation, all with the common theme of that underpins the aims of THE OM….
To support our industry with new strategies to evolve and grow towards an innovative, sustainable and equitable future.
Highlighting that working crew have an intelligent voice & possess huge operational experience with opinions worthy of discussion & inclusion in the bigger conversations going on across the industry.
There will be no 600 word limits …. use of “big”words & technical language is encouraged, we hope that as readers you will take the time to read & enjoy the posts, & join in with discussion & debate.
Of course I could be wrong, maybe there is no appetite for this but I am happy to take that risk….
Tomorrow I will introduce the first guest writer & blog post of the year & look forward to many more over the coming months ..

This years Monaco show continues to have a strong focus on sustainability in all its guises from design to propulsion and technical and operational solutions.
The OM works in partnership with MLA College to help promote and develop their degree level (BSc Hons) and Masters (MSc) level Sustainable Maritime Operations programs, to open up high quality, supported, online distance learning degree level programmes for maritime professionals and superyacht crew, who wish to educate themselves beyond the limits of their professional qualifications.
With its status as Official Education Partner of the United Nations CIFAL city of London - (as part of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). MLA College has some extremely heavy weight credentials when it comes to education in support of the UN Sustainability Goals and creating a sustainable future in maritime.
The final year BSc Hons degree and MSc programme in Sustainable Maritime Operations is designed to be accessible and completely flexible around the demanding working schedules of the maritime and suoeryacht sectors.
Providing options for crew to develop their life and professional skillsets, empowering them to real excellence in their onboard roles, whilst gaining valuable careers beyond the industry when that time comes.
If you are Superyacht crew and would like to find out how your CoC’s could help you study a degree or masters level program, please get in touch.
Direct Message
Website: Https://
Link in Bio
email:[email protected]

One of the overarching aims of my work at THE OM is to support the sustainability of crew careers, I have always advocated an “End to End approach.
Two years ago I was asked to be a founding member of the Raising The Bar imitative, a thinktank of experts from across the superyacht industry, brought together to address the issue of engaging, retaining and inspiring Superyacht talent This month saw the launch of one of our first projects …… providing detailed career maps for superyacht crew in all departments.
Created in collaboration as a voluntary exercise and kindly hosted by the Superyacht Alliance for Professional Standards, these career maps are designed to guide crew at every stage of their careers, from initial entry to progression through the ranks.
For each department, the career maps have been thoroughly pieced together to provide an overview of each pathway, including timelines to help manage crew expectations regarding the realistic pace of progression.
Each pathway also includes a comprehensive summary of the qualifications required at every stage, both mandatory and recommended, and in line with the International Association of Maritime Institutions (IAMI) and the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA), these will be regularly updated as any changes arise.
The hope is that training schools and recruitment companies will share these career maps with both prospective and existing crew to highlight the wide range of career options available within the superyacht industry. We hope that senior crew will also share and use these career maps as they mentor, support, and encourage their juniors to develop.
A key driver of the initiative is to engage, inspire and retain superyacht talent, with plans to extend the career maps to shore based roles offering guidance and support for crew ready to transition ashore.

The Monaco Yacht Show is almost upon us and I am looking forward to catching up with contacts old and new.
The show is the absolute best B2B opportunity in the Superyacht calendar and I always come away with new relationships forged and new business opportunities realised.
This year I am representing the work of THE OM itself and also flying the flag for my partners, collaborators and initiatives that’s I support. Whilst attending an array of forums and meetings and I am being interviewed too (more of that in another post) …..
Over the next few days I will be explaining a little more background to my work and highlighting the organisations and initiatives I support.
Mainly in response to the often asked slightly confused question “so what is it you actually do?” in response to my long and dynamic list of current projects … 😂
In the meantime please do get in touch if you would like to meet up, I do have some time still free and love connecting!
Innovate | Advocate | Collaborate | Educate
Emma Baggett
Founder & Director The OM

A Little Update ….
I have been very quiet on here over the last few months, as my time and focus has been on my family, as both of my lovely parents reached the end of their lives this summer and have passed away in recent weeks.
A Moment to Pause …
Despite the obvious sadness of recent events, it has in its own way, been a very special time. My parents were divorced 40 years ago and led separate happy and fulfilled lives. I feel very privileged to have spent their last days with them, and in sorting through pictures, I have been overwhelmed with nostalgia and had the opportunity to look back and appreciate how lucky I have been to have my parents into their 93rd year and for so many happy times together together with them and my children.
A Thank You….
I just wanted to say thank you to all my friends, family and the individuals, organisations and companies that I work with, for their incredible kindness, support and patience in “standing by” for me, whilst I got through this time.
Getting Back on Track….
I am gradually working my way back, but have a pretty huge backlog at the moment, so please bare with me .. I have some really exciting projects and events in the pipeline and an industry that I still remain excited and driven to be involved in, so there is much to be done and much to look forward too 😊
Emma Baggett ..
Founder & Director THE OM
Innovate | Advocate | Collaborate | Educate

Evolve or Repeat ... the theme for the 2022 Superyacht Forum in Amsterdam........
I am attending this year to support and represent both the IAMI GUEST Programs and the work of MLA College
Why GUEST? Because it’s vital when we talk about sustainability in the Superyacht sector that we consider the human element and how we are going to intelligently recruit educate and retain crew to meet the demands of an evolving sector.
Why MLA College? Because of their pioneering distance learning BSc and MSc sustainability programs for Superyacht crew they are unique in having tapped in to the need for crew to grow their knowledge beyond their COCs and become part of the drive towards effective sustainability in the sector.
And in between some really exciting projects to continue developing with my own work of THE OM committed to the core aims
Innovate Advocate Collaborate Educate

No time like the present ...
Superyacht crew are you thinking about your future and want to develop your skillset and employability ?
Are you interested in, and want to be more informed and proactive in the drive for sustainability within the yacht sector ?
Did you know you can use your CoC’s to access a final year BSc or a full MSc in Sustainable Maritime Operations ?
A program that uniquely examines the industry from the point of how implementing sustainability at the heart of day to day operations both onboard and ashore will impact it future success.
Delivered by flexible online supported distance learning via an award winning total learning platform, enabling you to study whilst working onboard.
It’s not too late to gain a place on the January course start, with alternative options for May or September 2023 enrolment available.
THE OM Partners with MLA College to promote and support their online distance learning programs designed specifically for superyacht crew and maritime professionals.
Interested? If you would like to discuss how the programs could work for you get in touch, no pressure, THE OM manages all applications and enquires from superyacht crew. Go to

As partners of MLA College and Nautilus international we are proud to promote their collaboration as part of Maritime UK week ...
Sea to city: Making the sustainable move ashore....
Sea to City mentoring webinar series, hosted by Nautilus International and Maritime London.
Taking part during Maritime UK Week on Thursday 13 October, from 12.30-1pm GMT time, this webinar is the second in their Sea to City series.
During the webinar we will hear from third officer at Carnival UK, Ross Cleland, on his experience of further education while working at Sea. Ross completed a Sustainable Maritime Operations BSc Hons at MLA College in 2022 and has since gone on to study a law degree via the Open University – all whilst serving at sea.
We also hear from professor Basak Akdemir, chief executive of MLA college, and executive director of CIFAL City of London. CIFAL City of London and MLA College work together to make positive change in the world of sustainability.
This webinar is highly recommended for all members of Nautilus and any serving seafarer who is interested in maritime sustainability and who might be considering a move ashore.
There will be plenty of opportunities for you to put your questions to our speakers throughout the webinar.
Please register to access this webinar:
We look forward to seeing you there!

Shore up your future....
The Association of Women in Yachting and She of the Sea
I am really looking forward to this evening and sharing my experiences of finding my way forward to developing a career after leaving yachting..

Redressing the Balance...
I am looking forward to speaking at tonight’s PYA Sea Changes Forum On behalf of the IAMI GUEST program.
My presentation looks at how the development of innovative training and education can provide the answers to the Industries need to retain and value crew, to ensure its professional and sustainable future

Who is in Monaco this week?
It would be lovely to catch up
With friends old and new DM if your around 😊

Explore your options...
Are you are interested in building on your skills and knowledge in your currrent role?
Would you like to stay credible and informed, and also one day transition into that future shore based role with greater insight and experience?
Would you like to have your CoC’s recognised as a viable qualification to enter the final year of a degree course?
Then you might want to consider how the distance learning MSc and BSc in Sustainable Maritime Operations program with MLA College could work for you.
Completely flexible, supported distance learning designed for superyacht crew.
I will be in Monaco from the 28th of October until 1st October and would be happy to meet for an informal chat please DM me or email me at
[email protected]
Find more info
“Crew increasingly see that everyday should be a school day, ultimately the process of learning should never stop and by embracing an attitude of continual professional and personal development, they can excel and stay credible within the workplace, future proof themselves for the evolving sector and improve their own career prospects into the bargain”
EB. The rise of non mandatory training: Superyacht Content

Exciting things coming soon.....
Guidelines for Excellence in Superyacht Training
One of the most exciting projects of the last year ....can’t wait to share more about it

Have you ever wondered what’s next? How does years of experience at sea and your CoC’s translate into your future career moves? Or perhaps you are looking for your next personal and professional development phase and want to integrate this is into your life whilst working onboard or through your rotations.
Recently, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Jenny Matthews Founder of She of the sea and LEGASEA. Where we discussed THE OM’s mission to support crew in developing their careers and push the industry to realise their true value and contribution, my partnership with award winning MLA College and why I am so passionate about promoting their distance learning BSc and MSc pathways for superyacht crew, where your CoC’s and working “experiential” learning is can be used to support your application in place of academic qualifications.
Online, flexible and fully supported, the MSc and BSc in Sustainable Maritime Operations is a groundbreaking option for those looking to continue to learn and support their current and future careers.
The interview explores the what, who and how to go about it, accompanied by a number of resources, links and case studies for those interested in finding our more.
Link to audio: Listen to the interview by clicking the link in my stories.
Find out more:
THE OM manages all applications from Superyacht crew get in touch for a chat about how these programs could work for you.

I am passionate about the value and benefit of mentoring crew in the maritime sector and it’s not just me, it’s positive impact is well documented and undisputed. As part of THE OM's partnership with CrewPass, their latest blog post discuses why I have chosen to be to be a mentor to superyacht crew over the last 15 years, including a Q&A session where I describe the range of individuals that I help and the guidance and support that is possible. From advice on professional and personal development, career planning, training and education, plus navigating the day to day challenges of life onboard, allowing crew to find clarity and motivation to achieve their career goals.
I am also very excited to announce an exclusive opportunity for CrewPass subscribers to win a years professional career mentoring and support.
Read the blog post and find out all about
The competition details.
Send your answers to : [email protected]
Competition ends on: 31st August
We will contact the winner on the 1st of September directly. 🏆
Exclusively for CrewPass subscribers!!!
Like - Follow - Share

The United Nations designated June 8th World Ocean Day, and through spreading awareness, hopes to protect the Earths major water bodies. The theme for World Ocean Day 2022 is Revitalisation: Collective Action for the Ocean.
🌊What the ocean worth to me?: I have lived and worked by the sea all my adult life. It has been my life. I have sailed across its oceans and seen extraordinary beauty in its depths. I have swum with a pod of s***m whales in the plunging depths off the Azores and watched in awe as a humpback whale breached alongside, in the busy shipping lanes of the English Channel. I have had the privilege of seeing many sunrises and sunsets and long days on passage, surrounded by nothing but the vastness of the ocean, a tiny dot in the huge disc of endless blue.
🌊What is the Ocean worth to you? The oceans we love are in danger. There is much you can to support the work to preserve our oceans for the future. Your action will make a significant difference.
🌊Support the IMMA Programme: The Important Marine Mammal Area’s (IMMA) The IMMAs are selected areas of the ocean that are important to marine mammals and show potential for to be managed for conservation. By highlighting the areas that most matter to marine animals the programme addresses the challenge of where to direct conservation resources.
🌊The Water Revolution Foundation is currently crowdfunding towards their goal of €500,000 to support the IMMA Programme. The funds raised will allow scientists to identify the IMMA’s in the North Atlantic Ocean.
“It’s very simple, the oceans are crucial allies in the fight against climate change. The oceans are carbon sinks, absorbing an amazing one quarter of all C02 created. Whales mix the waters as well as fertilising them which creates the perfect environment for phytoplankton, the more CO2 is absorbed. Natures solution for a healthier planet. So, if we are going to save the ocean we need first to protect the whales and to do this we need to start by protecting their habitats”
🌊Think about what you spend on an evening out, what you earn in a day? Donate to: GOFUNDME

MLA College Case Study
Archie: Chief Officer.
🌊I started the BSc Sustainable Maritime Operations in January this year, for me the distance learning format could not be better, I love the idea of being able to work remotely, and in this new post COVID 19 worId I expect it will become the new norm. But the freedom of movement that being able to complete this degree from wherever work takes me is a huge draw factor. In terms of balancing my workloads, I am not too concerned. I have become well practised at utilising my valuable free time, I have spent the last 5 years working on dual season charter yachts in high pressure environments, this has definitely shaped how I operate in not just my professional life but also my personal life.
🌊My career onboard yachts has given me so much, from a financial point of view, but more importantly a personal development aspect. Working at sea has shaped me and I cannot wait to experience what the next 10 years has in-store for me as I progress onwards into the capacity of captain.
🌊However what happens when I am ready to hang up the epaulets and return to a shore based life? The ocean has become my home away from home, and the environment and its preservation is something I feel extremely passionate about. Continuing my study into maritime sustainability makes a-lot of sense to me, my practical experience giving me a valuable insight into the sector, allowing me the opportunity to further my knowledge. I have seen first-hand the negative impacts of these big boats on this delicate ecosystem, I have a genuine desire to do my part to rectify this. After all, there is no maritime industry without a healthy thriving marine environment. For us preservation is everything.
🌊Going forward, I am excited to complete the BSc program, one day, when I hang up my mop, I definitely believe that skills and qualities I have gained from my service so far will transfer well into the shore-based corporate structure, I have learned that I am a pretty adaptable, so I am confident I will turn my hand to whatever opportunity comes my way.
Read the full article at

As part of the working partnership between THE OM and CrewPass..... Trying to get your first job in the industry? How to maximise your chances of success in an interview.
"Preparation is key, and you really cannot put too much time or effort into making sure you have thought of everything and have gone above and beyond."- Emma Baggett, The Director of
To find out more, read the full blog post here: