Feather whispers by Rachel

Feather whispers by Rachel

clairvoyant,Tarot Readings, using ribbons & angel cards & crystals to help give positive guidance


Some people have found it difficult to post reviews on here and send them privately to my messages. THANK YOU Glad I resonated with you & appreciate your feedback 😊 x


Positive attitude & thinking to each new Day ❤️


Thanks so much for your beautiful feedback x♥️🙏


Find your inner peace & Love yourself More. A relaxed nurtured mind is a happy body & soul 💞


OK I'm doing a mini free read,, which one do you feel drawn too? The black Buddha with blue ribbon,& 3 card tarot, or the Robin green ribbon tarot, or perhaps the Gold Buddha with gold ribbon tarot,,, choose one and Il. Do a read for each.. Answers will be on Tues 6th July 🙏♥️


FREE MINI Meanings with colour Ribbons.. Let's have some fun with colour ribbons, an uplifting game to see if it matches your mood, And resonates with you on how your feeling atm.. It went down well before, Now the object is to choose one ribbon colour you are most drawn to now, not necessarily your favourite colour. Blue starts as number one, so choose a colour or number and colour, from The pic Below... & I will do a mini meaning of each colour chosen free for you.
Choose 1,blue. 2.fusia pink. 3.light pink.4.orange.5.cerese pink.6,Red.7,Yellow. 8,Green. 9,golden yellow. 10.Purple.
I will give the meanings to all that choose on wed 26th may 🙏 love & light.


Hello, anyone wishing to contact me please message me direct on 07718073233 as my feather whispers page is not allowing me to open messages sent, I'm trying sort this technical problem, sorry to anyone that has messaged & I've not responded back.

Photos from Feather whispers by Rachel's post 08/05/2020

Feeling at one with the world, Peaceful is a wonderful thing 💞


Guidance From Feather whispers, to help soothe your soul.


Love & light 💞


Hi all, ready for another free reading. This time a tarot mini reading. Focus on the cards & choose 1 2 3 4 or 5. Which ever your most drawn too. Il give you all the mini reading meanings friday eve. Love & light all x


Hi all. Here's a mixture of 4 piles to choose from. 1/ Earth_ 2/ fire_ 3/ water_ 4/ air= focus on each pile 1 to 4 with the elements in mind. And I will give you the meanings to each mini reading using the Element mythical creature affirmation cards on Tues eve. A long with an Angel card guidance above each pile. Choose either 1, 2 3 or 4. Which your most drawn too. Only choose 1 pile for this reading. Have a good week end. Love & Light.


I came across this today on a spiritual page. Mine was so true to me. Let's play a game. Focus on each Colour, symbol & name, and see if the meaning matches you.


Hi. I'm still getting request numbers for the ribbons. I have done the basic meanings all below for you to refere too. Concentrate on a colour or colours You feel most drawn to today n scroll down to my meanings. It's meanings not readings. Love & light. All.


Below are some colour ribbons. Choose a colour your most drawn to. & I will do a mini meaning of each colour chosen free for you.
Choose 1,blue. 2.fusia pink. 3.light pink.4.orange.5.cerese pink.6,Red.7,Yellow. 8,Green. 9,golden yellow. 10.Purple.
I will give meanings Sunday eve 6th October 🙏 love & light.


Whoopp Just had my first call for a reading. official paid booking Yesss. The start of things to Come. From near 17 years free. Let's look at it as my spiritual learning path. Now its my time n I'm ready to guide with positivity 💞


My full time employment is coming to an end. So ill now Have time to carry out my passion in giving guidance by Tarot readings. Please Can anyone iv previous read for please like & share my page & give a comment if you wish. Il be putting up free ribbon mini reading meanings soon. So look out if you would like to join in the fun. Love & light 💞


Always Think Positive. The Sun will always shine through the Clouds ☀️

