Stuart Walton
Writer of philosophy, cultural history and fiction, and restaurant critic for the UK's premier guide

Shipwreck wine. It has a certain je ne sais quoi.
Shipwreck wines Shipwreck wines discovered after a long sojourn beneath the sea have inspired a trend in underwater aging, says Stuart Walton.

On Rory Waterman's fourth collection of poetry.
Come Here to This Gate Stuart Walton reviews Rory Waterman’s fourth poetry collection.

You'll want to catch up with the second edition of my drink and drug history, in preparation for its forthcoming sequel.
Intoxicology: A Cultural History of Drink and Drugs Intoxicology: A Cultural History of Drink and Drugs eBook : Walton, Stuart: Kindle Store

Buchette del vino a Firenze.
Wine in history: Buchette del vino Stuart Walton celebrates Florence’s buchette del vino, the tiny “wine windows” that have served the city’s wine drinkers since the 1500s.

Where does criticism begin? Probably not here
More or Less Nothing Review 31 is an online literary review.

Blood wine
Wine in history: Wine as blood Stuart Walton explores the many ways in which the metaphor of wine as blood has been employed throughout history.

Drinking alone in the Tang Dynasty.
Wine in history: The wine poetry of Li Bai Stuart Walton on the transcendent wine poetry of the eighth-century Chinese poet, Li Bai, who knew the value of drinking alone.

Oh, those Greeks.
Wine in history: Ampelos, the satyr of the grapevine The Greek mythological figure of Ampelos was the lover of Dionysos and lends his name to the scientific study of grape varieties.

Banning Christmas in the name of piety.
Wine in history: Banning Christmas The Puritan movement in 17th-century England did not much care for seasonal fun and feasting, and effectively banned Christmas.

Dribble glasses and puzzle jugs.
Wine in history: Conjuring tricks Stuart Walton looks back at the ingenious ways in which trick vessels have been used to tease, confuse, and confound wine drinkers.

Au revoir, Nico.
The impact of a Force 10 gale: Nico Ladenis, wine, and the British gastronomic revolution The celebrated chef Nico Ladenis, who passed away earlier this month, was instrumental in changing British eating and drinking habits.

My review of Lutz Seiler's Star 111, a novel of German reunification, newly translated into English.
Star 111 Stuart Walton finds Lutz Seiler’s latest Wenderoman a picaresque of German reunification that transforms ultimately into a novel.

Death of a salesman.
Stuart Walton - Marketing And Me In today's climate, you are very much expected to do your own marketing as far as possible. People who draw a salary from marketing want to know what marketing you are doing for yourself while importuning you to tell them what they ought to do.

Wine in history: Cupbearers—supremely trustworthy, supremely beautiful Cultural historian Stuart Walton traces the long and dignified lineage of the cupbearer, the precursor of the modern-day sommelier.

A study of the singing style known as 'crooning'.

If you want me, I'll be at my club.
Wine in history: Unfettered luxuriance Stuart Walton explores the wine culture enjoyed by the habitués of Britain's gentlemen's clubs of the Victorian and Edwardian eras.

Writers. We're all weirdos.
Stuart Walton - The Writer As Outsider There are male writers who think being a writer will impress the ladies, which it more or less literally never does. Best say you’ve recently been invalided out of the Royal Marines. I once told a young barbershop trainee I was a fairground safety inspector.
I have just signed a contract for what will be my seventeenth book, Sleepless Nights: The Faults and Failings of Love. It will be a critical analysis of the enduring cultural myths about love and romance, and how they drive the processes of attrition by which it goes wrong. It will be published by Academica Press in 2024.

I review Lorrie Moore's new novel.
Death Is All Around Review 31 is an online literary review.

Only smart, naked people drink wine.
Wine and the intellect: The drink for smart people? Drinking wine doesn't make you smarter, but do you need a big intellect to appreciate it, asks Stuart Walton.

The hugger-mugger world of book festivals.
Stuart Walton - The Festival Experience I was bundled into a double-act with the late Howard Marks, international drug trafficker turned memoirist. The performance amounted to Mr Marks giving his usual drinking and spliffing stage turn, interspersed with me reading successive passages.

The fate of writers in the early days of the N**i regime.
February 1933: The Winter of Literature Stuart Walton reviews Uwe Wittstock’s journalistic examination of literary censorship and violence.

Wine in art history
Wine in art: The ecstatic, the devotional, the aesthetic, and the amorous Stuart Walton traces the history of wine in art from Ancient Greek drinking cups to the work of the Dutch masters.

The writing life, as Dame Barbara and I saw it.
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St Vincent's day.
Wine in history: St Vincent of Zaragoza Stuart Walton tells the story of St Vincent of Zaragoza and attempts to understand how and why he became the winemakers’ patron saint.

My review of Bob Dylan's book on modern song.
The Philosophy of Modern Song – 3:AM Magazine When the penny eventually dropped, and we realised there wasn’t going to be a subsequent volume to Bob Dylan’s 2004 memoir, Chronicles: Volume One, that book became all the more valuable an insight into the craft of the great songwriter at key points in his recording career. What Dylan had to sa...

Stuck for something to give? Give wine!
Wine in history: The gift of wine In a festive column, Stuart Walton looks back through history at the many ways in which wine has been used as a gift.

Books of the year from my colleagues and me at Review 31.
Review 31's Books of the Year 2022 Review 31 is an online literary review.

On the centenary of The Waste Land.
Stuart Walton on The Waste Land - Berfrois The least conventional poem of the era begins, conventionally enough, with the seasons...

The perfect place to write is ... somewhere else.
Stuart Walton - The Perfect Place To Write There are exceptions to the somewhere-else rule... I wouldn’t like to work in a coffee-shop, as many do, with the raucous spurting of the espresso machine, the ambient chatter, and the need to part with another £2.50 every four hours.
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