Elvet School of Dance

Elvet School of Dance


Principal Teacher -Lauren Tindale Graduate of Royal Academy of Dance. RAD Ballet and IDTA tap and mod


Summer Ballet exam results are back in record time!
Excellent results everyone!
Very proud of you all!
Miss Lauren 😁🥳


Classes have now finished for the summer break. We have had a very successful year with 90 students taking a combination of RAD graded, vocational ballet exams and IDTA tap and modern exams. With excellent results achieved in increasingly difficult exams. More exams are also planned for next term.

We have also had student success in vocational associate programmes, students gaining places in holiday associate courses and students taking part in the Memorial Awards.
On a personal note it has also been an amazing year for us as a family, we got married and we also bought our family home.

Excitingly next term marks 15yrs of me running Elvet School of Dance! Over the 15yrs I have seen many tiny pre-primary children grow up into beautiful young adults.
We will be celebrating this occasion with a party and performance on the afternoon of Sunday 6th October at New College. Please save the date. There will be more details to follow very soon.
I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to all the parents new and old, your support is greatly appreciated. And a huge thank you to all my students, you are all a joy to teach and make going to work everyday so enjoyable.

To the students we are saying farewell to this term as you either continue your studies at university, or are moving home/country. It has been an absolute pleasure to teach you and I wish you the best for your futures.

I hope everyone has a wonderful summer and let’s keep our fingers crossed for some sunny weather! I will be in touch soon with term dates and details for next term.
Love Miss Lauren ❤️

Photos from Elvet School of Dance's post 12/07/2024

Huge well done to our RAD ballet girls who took their exams last week. You all looked beautiful and have worked so hard in preparation 🥰

Photos from Elvet School of Dance's post 10/07/2024

On Saturday we said farewell to Hannah Fenwick. I have taught Hannah since was a little pre-primary and I have seen her grow up into a beautiful young lady over the 14 years I have taught her. Hannah has taken many exams over the years reaching up to Advanced Foundation ballet.
Hannah has started her summer with a trip to Cape Town which is an amazing opportunity. Then after the summer break Hannah will be continuing her studies at University. I wish you the best of luck for your future Hannah
Miss Lauren 🥰❤️


Huge good luck to all our ballerinas taking their RAD exams today!
So very proud of you!
Miss Lauren 🥰

Photos from Elvet School of Dance's post 19/06/2024

RAD ballet exam Spring Term certificate presentations. Huge well done everyone! 🥰


Happy Father’s Day! 😁


Reminder the following ballet classes are running today (normal times)
G1, G2 & G7 🥰
Miss Lauren


The following classes are still running this half term:

⭐️Inter Foundation Thursday 30th May 4-5pm

⭐️Friday 31st May
Grade 1 4.35-5.20pm
Grade 2 5.20-6.05pm
Grade 7 6.05-7pm

⭐️Sat 1st June
All tap and modern grades

All other classes are off for half term
I hope everyone has a lovely break ☺️


Huge congratulations to Bo for gaining a Distinction in her Grade 5 Modern exam! Bo’s hard work definitely paid off! Excellent result well done Bo!🥳


Just a reminder due to bank holiday opening classes are running tomorrow morning Grade 5 9-10am
Adv F 10-11am


‼️Reminder classes are off TODAY Friday 3rd May due to Miss Lauren moving house‼️
Classes are back on Sat 4th May 😊

Photos from Elvet School of Dance's post 01/05/2024

Autumn Term 2023 RAD Certificate Presentations
Well done everyone! 🥰


Huge congratulations go to Esme who has received the news that she has been accepted for another year on the Royal Ballet School Mid Associates programme. Additionally Esme has also been awarded a scholarship for the Yorkshire Ballet Summer School. Well done Esme! 🤩🩰🥰

Photos from Elvet School of Dance's post 20/04/2024

Huge well done to Bo for taking her Grade 5 IDTA Contemporary Modern Jazz exam this afternoon! 🥰🤩😁


I hope everyone is having and great Easter holiday!

⭐️Classes are restarting from Sunday 14th April⭐️

Looking forward to seeing everyone back in the studio and welcoming some new students!

If you would like to join our friendly team of beautiful dancers please get in touch 🥰



‼️Primary, Grade 1 and Inter F ballet are cancelled today due to childcare issues ‼️
⭐️Adv F ballet 6.45-7.45pm is still running tonight ⭐️
Apologies for the inconvenience
Miss Lauren x

Easter Ballet Workshop 🩰✨ 20/03/2024

Easter Ballet Workshop 🩰✨ Limited Spaces: first come, first served for each age group.Age Range: 7yrs - 21yrs (groups will be divided based on age and experience)Timings: Age 7-9yrs: 9:30am - 11:30amAge 10-13yrs: 12:00pm - 2:00pmAge 13-21yrs: 2:30pm - 4:30pmOpen to all: Current YTB members, non-YTB members, vocational and no...

Photos from Elvet School of Dance's post 18/03/2024

Huge well done to our students who took their RAD ballet exams this weekend❤️🩰


Huge good luck to our beautiful ballerinas taking their RAD exams today! 😁🩰


Happy Mother’s Day!❤️


I hope everyone had a lovely half term. Classes are back on today. Last terms RAD ballet exam certificates and medals are also here! I will be awarding them this week! 🥳😁🩰

Photos from Elvet School of Dance's post 22/02/2024

Huge congratulations go to Bo Welch! Bo has successfully auditioned and gained a place to start in September at MTS College. Bo was also successful in her auditions for SA Performing Arts Centre, The Worx Academy, Nadine’s Dance College and Newcastle College.
Bo feels MTS is the best fit for her. Bo’s hard work and dedication has definitely payed off! Very proud Miss Lauren! 🥰 💪🩰


We have had a great half term of lessons with everyone working really hard and excellent progress made! Classes have now finished for the half term break. Tap and modern classes and exam coaching are still running on Saturday 24th Feb. Happy half term everyone love Miss Lauren ☺️


Some of our dancers might be interested in this exciting opportunity! 😊


⭐️Reminder ⭐️
The new Friday class times:

Primary 3.50-4.35
Grade 1 4.35-5.20
Grade 2 5.20-6.05
Grade 7 6.05-7.00pm

Miss Lauren 😊


Happy New Year!
Classes are restarting from the 4th January.
If you would like to join our team of beautiful dancers please get in touch for more information and to book your space!



Classes have now finished for the Christmas holiday. Thank you to everyone for the very kind cards and presents. I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Love Miss Lauren 🎅🎄🎁


Our Pre-Primary girls getting Christmassy this morning! 🎅🎄

Photos from Elvet School of Dance's post 04/12/2023

Huge well done to all our dancers taking their RAD ballet exams over the weekend 🥰🩰

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Videos (show all)

Huge well done to our RAD ballet girls who took their exams last week. You all looked beautiful and have worked so hard ...
Happy Mother’s Day!
Classes have now finished for the Christmas holiday. Thank you to everyone for the very kind cards and presents. I hope ...
Our Pre-Primary girls getting Christmassy this morning! 🎅🎄
Our senior girls getting in the Halloween spirit yesterday! 👻
We had Pom pom fun in ballet this morning! 🥰
Our dancers Sophia, Bo, Megan and Beth looking beautiful ready for their performances in Coppelia. I can’t wait to watch...
Polite reminder classes are off from the 5th -12th June (inclusive) Video clip of our Grade 4 exam girls working hard in...
Happy Mother’s Day 🥰
Our Pre-Primary children having pom pom fun yesterday! 🥰
Huge well done to our students who attended summer classes this week! It was lovely to have you back in the studio. Look...




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