


Creating the bike-friendly world one city at the time. Be a part of the Bikway dream now at FundedByMe -

Bikway is an experimental urban planning consultancy, we’re offering an easy and affordable way to plan, test and implement biking infrastructure. We believe that cycling supports a lot of positive impact on the urban environment ranging from environmental to social and health benefits for both the individual and the society.

Bikway Roskilde workshop 25/02/2014

2 months pilot project for testing traffic infrastructure improvement necessity in Roskilde, Denmark

Photos from Bikway's post 20/02/2014

First project of the year 2014.

The #BicycleFriendly City 18/12/2013

Yo! Support the modular, flexible and sustainable infrastructure project on their campaign.

The #BicycleFriendly City I just supported The City on //

Bikway testing and demonstration in Islands Brygge 11/12/2013

Copyright © Valdas Jencius 2013


Do you like cycling and adventure and learn something at the same time? The Study Road is the premiere way to feed international and inspirational leadership careers at an unbelievably quick 120 km per day pace. Students and young professionals will join each other and pull each other through this unique life learning experience. The versatility and intensity of the program will revolutionize the way you look at the world, yourself and your future.

Sounds like an interesting challenge to you? The Study Road.

Timeline photos 02/12/2013

Merry Christmas everyone! We here at BikWay would like to wish all of you a merry Christmas, and thank you for your support this far and hopefully beyond. We have a lot of exciting new initiatives as part of our quest for crowdfunding, both now and in the new year.
Therefore, we hope that you can bear with us putting out a couple or more posts in the near futures as it is all part of our greater purpose.


Unsure what equity crowdfunding is all about? Want to know more? Check out our new blog for more details!


Help us spread the word about our crowdfunding campaign with three clicks!

Bikway | Support Bikway Creating the bike-friendly world one city at the time.
Be a part of the Bikway dream now at FundedBy

Bikway modular bike lane | FundedByMe — The fastest-growing crowd investment platform connecting... 21/11/2013

Today is special, now you can finally be a shareholder of the Bikway dream, by co-investing in Bikway at fundedbyme.

Bikway modular bike lane | FundedByMe — The fastest-growing crowd investment platform connecting... Then this is for you, for all the passionate cyclists, for all of you who want to see our cities changing to be more accessible and safe place to ride a bicycle in for everyone, for our kids, grandparents and for you. For all of you who want to make this world a nicer place to live in, with less pol...

Janette Sadik-Khan: New York's streets? Not so mean any more | Video on 04/11/2013

How New York City changed to a more people friendly place, temporary street make-overs. Sound similar to what we're doing.

Janette Sadik-Khan: New York's streets? Not so mean any more | Video on In this funny and thought-provoking talk, Janette Sadik-Khan, transportation commissioner of New York City, shares projects that have reshaped street life in the 5 boroughs, including pedestrian zones in Times Square, high-performance buses and a 6,000-cycle-strong bike share. Her mantra: Do bold ex...

Impression from EIB Social Innovation finals 19/10/2013

Bikway was nominated as one of the 16 best social start-ups by The European Investment Bank, here are some of the impressions we had taken from the finals in Budapest 2013.

Bikway at Danish Days 16/10/2013

Cheerful moments from the Danish days event

BikWay 10/10/2013

Bikway, The bicycle-friendly city starts now. By: Wide Wings

BikWay Vimeo is the home for high-quality videos and the people who love them.


We want to show the many different bicycles that people use in their everyday. So if you would like to help us out, please send a picture or link. 20/08/2013

" I believe that cycling might just be the catalyst for a 21st Century urban renaissance." Dr Steven Fleming.

Read this interesting article about cycling future in cities.

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