Alpha Mu Omega

Alpha Mu Omega


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Sevio and Partners-Friends
Sevio and Partners-Friends

Alpha Mu Omega is Denmark's first Fraternity, started by four CBS students Who are we? What do we do?

Alpha Mu Omega was started by four students at CBS in the summer of 2015, and is Denmark's first fraternity. Our goal is to broaden our members' social horizon across study lines and years, while simultaneously helping each other perform to the best of our capacity at our studies by benefiting from the knowledge of other members. We aim to create a forum where everybody can share their experiences


An official statement regarding the rituals

Philosophy behind the rituals

Alpha Mu Omega is a fraternity with the vision to become a great brotherhood across fields of studies and nationalities. In order to achieve this we’ll need to build a strong base and should consist of different guys with different backgrounds. With a lot of inspiration coming from the American fraternity society we’ve established a set of rituals that will bring all of the old and potential new members together.

The rituals are important in many ways. First, it’s important since it’s part of what makes a brotherhood like this special and mysterious. Secondly, it’s something that we all been through so it is a way to connect with your fellow brothers even though you maybe don’t have a lot in common. And thirdly, it’s a way to be familiar with the fraternity, its history, the reasons behind it and its place in our lives and study.

Since the rituals are linked with each other and the fact that it is a core part of the fraternity-life, it’s important that you attend ALL of the three rituals if you want to become a brother. There is no way you can be part of something where you didn’t go through the initiation process.

Alpha Mu Omega


Check your inbox, we might just sent you a surprise ;)


The last two weeks has been legendary and we want to say a huge THANK YOU to all you crazy f***ers who showed up at our different intro events and helped to bring the parties to the next level!

Everything from the beer pong tournament to the crazy pubcrawl - we couldn't have done it without you guys!
The pubcrawl with its countdowns, finest Danish shots, lots of beer and Long Island Iced Tea drinks really did the job! We hope that everybody had a blast and got home safe!

We'll be sending out invitations for the initiation/rituals soon so stay tuned!

Lots of love,
Alpha Mu Omega


Pubcrawl NEWS:
Reservation is now closed but we managed to scramble a pair of extra tickets that will be up for grabs at Cafe Guldhornene (Vestergade 20, KBH K) from 5:40 PM / 17:40!
Remember - first come, first served!

To all the others that managed to get a ticket: See you in a few hours!


Pubcrawl tonight! Few spots left!

Yo guys! Tonight is the night and there's a total of 20 spots for the pubcrawl. 10 spots are already been paid for and there's going to be a lot of guys coming, so be there in advance and secure you're ticket at Cafe Guldhornene (Vestergade 20, KBH K). We'll be there from around 5:15 PM / 17:15 so come buy and make sure you get a spot!

10 spots left! First come, first served!
The pubcrawl starts at 6 PM / 18:00 but come early and get your ticket! 10 left!



Yo! We're going to Farfars and the adress is: Skindergade 20, 1159 København!
See you there!
Need help? Message us or comment on this post!

Student Society Day 2016 24/09/2016

Thanks you all who visited our stand, asked questions, tried the shock-game or played some beer pong with us! Hope to see many more of you guys the following week(s)!

Timeline photos 22/09/2016

We're ready to greet you all at Student Society Day 2016 at Solbjerg Plads! Come bye and hear more about the frat and what we stand for - we promise we're a lot less creepy in person! :D

We've already posted a couple of intro events on this page - feel free to join them!


Photos from Alpha Mu Omega's post 21/09/2016

We miss the sun that shined upon us during the Semester Start Party two weeks ago... Thanks again for a great party and a lot of beer drinking! If you saw us or wanna see us, make sure to drop by our stand tomorrow at the Student Society Day!


Intro Pubcrawl 2015 19/09/2016

From the 2015 intro event! First pubcrawl of AMO! Looking forward to do it again with all the new and future members of AMO. Keep an eye out for this page and we'll post a calender for future events and introtours!


Hello fellow students!

First of all thank you for a fun day at the party last week!

A new week and schedule has started and we're working on our AMO-stand at Student Society Day which will be on the 22nd September at campus Solbjerg Plads! We'll have a small stand where you can find some of the active members of Alpha Mu Omega who are more than willing to answer any questions you might have about the fraternity... or maybe just challenge your drinking skills at our future events!

Future events will be posted separately on this page during this week and a full schedule of the different events will be posted ASAP as well!

Make sure not to miss a thing and like our page!

Best Regards,
Alpha Mu Omega


The start of the semester is upon us and Alpha Mu Omega will be hosting a mix of different events in the coming months! First of all we got the Nexus Semester Start Party where AMO will be attending outside Nexus (green area at Campus Solbjerg Plads) with beers, beer pong and a awesome gardering of funny and handsome people!

Find us, challenge us, beat us (or get beaten) and have fun in the sun with your fellow students and friends across CBS!


If there are still someone who wants to join the fraternity, but have not been to any of our events or been in contact with us about the initiation process, please let us know as soon as possible. Soon our application process this semester will be done, and we will close for new members until next semester.

Best Regards
Alpha Mu Omega


Hello everyone!

A big thanks to everyone who showed up on Friday, we had a great time, and hope you did too.

Unfortunately due to lack of sign-ups and some trouble with the practicalities on our end we have decided to cancel today's event. We are sorry for any inconvenience.

However, we have one more event coming up this Friday the 9th, so we encourage all of you to clear your schedule for Friday evening. More information will follow. We are stoked, and we hope you will be too!

Mobile uploads 17/09/2015

Come test your reflexes and see if you can win a beer. We are right outside Nexus.


Hello everyone!

First of all, i hope you got to play a bit of beerpong at the first nexus, i know we did 😃!

With that being said, we are looking forward to good times with you all, we are working hard at the moment to get everything prepared to make everything super awesome 😉

We will of cause be at the student society day the 17th of september (this thursday), where you are more then welcome to come by. We will have some fun games, with some cool prizes 😄!

Furthermore, we have planned some events for you guys, where you will have the opportunity to get to know the members of the fraternity, and also ask all the questions you might have. Furthermore there will obviusly be alchohol included, and also some fun events that we will post more information about soon.

The dates for these "mixers" or events are:

Oktober the 2nd
Oktober the 5th
Oktober the 9th

You can come to all of them, or just one, it is totally up to you, but we will encurage you to join as many as possible, for we think it will be much fun 😃

Best regards
Alpha Mu Omega

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