Pole Republic - København
Vend din fitness på hovedet. Pole Fitness, Aerial Hoop og Aerial Silk på Frederiksberg - træning, luftakrobatik og sjov.
Pole Republic er et pole og aerial fitness studie, hvor du kan lære at danse om en pole, svinge i en hoop eller kravle i en silk. Vi underviser både voksne og børn, så hvis du har en cikus-artist gemt i dig, er du velkommen til at komme forbi og prøve en time hos os - uanset din alder! Vores overbevisning er, at træning er mere end bare træning og vi tror på, at både omgivelser og stemning betyder

Vi søger nye aerial kids instruktører til vores fantastiske børne- og ungdomshold 🥳
Læs mere i stillingsopslaget, og del det gerne med dygtige mennesker du kender ☺️
Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig!

We are so fortunate to have Yvonne Smink come visit us once again. She will be here the 4th of August, and will teach two pole workshops. One for all levels, and one for our intermediate/advanced students🤩
Read more about the workshops here:
Who doesn’t love a cool handstand with the pole? This workshop is all about handstand shapes around, on, and with, the pole, and how to transition in and out of them!
Link to purchase:
https://polerepublic.yogo.dk/frontend/index.html?itemType=event&itemId=11722 #/login-with-cart
All levels
Do you ever get stuck on how to go from the pole to the floor and back up again in a fluid way? Take this class for some creative smooth transitions around the base of the pole and get inspired!
Link to purchase:
https://polerepublic.yogo.dk/frontend/index.html?itemType=event&itemId=11723 #/login-with-cart
See you at the workshops 🥳

Vi vil træne både Pole, Hoop og Silk, samt have tid til at hygge og slappe af i vores Aerial yoga gynger🧘🏼♂️
Dagen starter kl. 9 og slutter kl. 14
Man kan komme fra kl. 8.30, og blive afhentet indtil kl. 15.
Der vil være snacks og drikke i løbet af dagen, men frokost skal børnene selv have med.
Der vil være to undervisere Saskia & Maibrit, begge er faste underviserer på børnehold og er vant til at undervise børn.
Der er kun et begrænset antal pladser og tilmelding foregår efter først til mølle.
Man kan vælge om man ønsker at komme en eller to dage, afhængig af ens sommerferieplaner.
Vi håber at se dig til nogle sjove dage, med masser af sjov træning og hvor du kan møde nye venner med samme interesse. Vi skal blot gøre hvad der er super sjovt, bevæge os, bruge en masse energi og lære noget nyt! 🥳
Læs mere og tilmeld jer her: https://polerepublic.dk/aerial-kids-sommer-camp/

Start 2024, flying with with Andreea, through our 8 week aerial yoga course. 🧚
Aerial yoga is the perfect combination of playfulness, building strength and challenging yourself, while also being extremely relaxing and chill. 🙃
The classes are Saturdays, from 11.00 - 12.15.
Read more about the course, benefits or sign up here:https://polerepublic.dk/kommende-events-2024/

Want to dive deeper into you backbend journey? and to do some twisty backbend position in the hoop? 🤩
Then we have the perfect workshops planned for you on November 26th!
Achieve a deeper and safer backbend and learn a variety of twisty and less common aerial moves for a creepy and thrilling choreography with Hika, who is ready to guide you in strengthening the muscles responsible for opening your shoulders and upper back in the two workshops on Intensive Backbend and Twisty Hoop.
Hika teaches Aerial Hoop and Intensive Stretching daily in Berlin, which is a perfect combination for creating unique movements within Aerial Hoop.
Want to know more, check out our event! 😍

Struggling with your handstands?🤸♀️
Then we have the perfect solution for you! On November 24th-25th we host a Handstand Foundation and Evolution Workshops with Andrés Cerdeira. 😍
Gain techniques for safe and effective handstands, build a solid foundation to stand on your hands without support, and progress to more advanced movements. With Andrés Cerdeira as your guide, you can deepen your understanding of handstands and learn how to wisely utilize your energy during training in the two workshops, Handstand Foundations and Handstand Evolution.
Read more and sign up at our Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/84rUOoqgL

Don't miss out, on our Aerial Yoga Course starting on October 7th! 🤩
We are super excited for our first aerial yoga session in the studio, so come fly and relax with Andreea, who are ready to guide and help you, at our 4 week aerial yoga course.
It is the perfect way to see if you like Aerial Yoga, and to get a feeling of what it is. 🙃
Read more and sign up here: https://webshop.sport-solution.com/PoleRepublic/ItemType/22
Pole Republic Kbh A four week introduction course to Aerial Yoga, every Saturday in October, from 11.00 - 12.15, First time is October 7th. Come fly and relax with Andreea, who will guide you through the aerial yoga classes. She loves Aerial yoga, since it is the perfect combination of playfulness, building strength....

We have some incredible talents in our studios 🥰
At this weekend, we were represented by 5 people across and , and they all did an amazing job on stage and took even three placement with them home 🏆🤩
It takes so much courage and creativity to go on stage and you all had that! 💪
Thank you for your inspiration! 😃

Congratulations to and .baroni with their number 1st placements🥇🏆🎉
You did an amazing job on stage and we are super proud of you! 🤩😍
I have been super excited to share this announcement with all of you! 🤩
From october 1st, Pole Republic in Copenhagen is getting bigger and we are ready to grow our awesome community. 😃 We will be on the same location, but over the fall we will go from having one training room to three. 🥳
We will have one room dedicated to Aerial Hoop and Aerial silks, that opens on october 1st. 😍
We will have one room dedicated to flexibility and core classes, competition training, private classes and courses, this will be ready as soon as possible. 😎
Stay tuned to see more of our new place and if you have not stopped by yet, now is the time! 🙃
It is time for a cozy beginning of the evening, with Pole Republic Friday bar!
On August 25th from 18 - 20, we will welcome you in for a a few hours of chats, refreshments and happiness. A perfect way to start your evening, or end a great workday. 🙃
At 19.00, we have a surprise lined up for you! So come and stay tuned for that 🤩
We love our Pole Republic community, so lets use this time to enjoy each others company and built new relations. ❤️

New trick for the summer shoots coming up? 😎
Then join our Rainbow Marchenko or needle scale workshop next weekend the 29th of April 🤩 is super exited to share all of her knowledge and help you get the trick😍
Sign up here. https://webshop.sport-solution.com/PoleRepublic/ItemType/22

On april 29th, we will host two workshops with Anna Duc!
So if you want your to get your needle scale or Rainbow Marchenko, keep on reading 💪
Rainbow Marchenko workshop: 🤩
Here is your chance to learn one of the world's most famous and beautiful pole tricks. The workshop is a two in one workshop, as you first have to attend the needle scale workshop, so your body is warm for the trick.
Anna will give you a step by step guide to this trick and individual comments for further development. She will make sure you are safely spotted to understand the trick.
To attend you just need a stable brass monkey, there is no need to have a flat needle scale or to be able to catch your feet.
Needle scale workshop: 😍
If you feel stuck in your back/shoulder flexibility journey or awesome moves like the needle scale, this workshop is a must for you.
This will guaranteed be one of the most intensive flexibility classes you will ever attend. You will be guided in how to thoroughly stretch both shoulders, chest, split, upper- and lower back in order to do the needle scale in a correct and healthy way.
The workshop is for all levels.

Are you ready for this weekends workshops 🤩
will be coming to the studio on Saturday and teach you his favourite tricks 😍
If you don’t have tickets yet, sign up here: https://webshop.sport-solution.com/PoleRepublic/ItemType/22 💪

🫵 Attention lovely members! 🫵
We have scheduled extra Pole Fitness classes just for you THIS SATURDAY. It is a great opportunity to spend some quality time with yourself and recharge your physical and mental battery for the upcoming week. 😍🧘♀️
📌 10:00 - 11:00
Pole Fitness Beginner
📌 11:00 - 12:00
Pole Fitness Intermediate
Join and most importantly don´t forget to BOOK yourself!
Klik her for at gøre krav på din sponsorerede post.
Our Story
Hos Pole Republic dyrker vi pole fitness, aerial hoop og aerial silk. Vores tilgang til sporten tager afsæt i fitness, styrke- og smidighedsøvelser og for os er pole fitness, aerial hoop og aerial silk mere end bare træning. Det er en sport, et fællesskab og et udtryk. Vi bruger sporten til at styrke kroppen, men også sindet i form af fællesskab, glæde og selvværd. Vi underviser både børn og voksne og vi tager hensyn til det individuelle niveau.
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Internet side
Marguerite Vibys Plads 7
Mandag | 16:00 - 21:00 |
Tirsdag | 16:00 - 21:00 |
Onsdag | 16:00 - 21:00 |
Torsdag | 16:00 - 21:00 |
Fredag | 16:00 - 18:00 |
Søndag | 11:00 - 14:00 |