Lite Bulb Moments

Lite Bulb Moments


Nordic Smartlight produces certified LED products that are sold on the international market through

De smarte lyskilder fra danske Lite Bulb Moments simulerer solens naturlige lys i dit hjem 08/03/2022

Så er det nu kære mandfolk. Her har I chancen for at gøre jeres koner, kærester og veninder ekstra lykkelige. Tænk på at hun er dobbelt så dejlig, set i det rigtige lys. God dag.

De smarte lyskilder fra danske Lite Bulb Moments simulerer solens naturlige lys i dit hjem Hvis du er på udkig efter smarte lyskilder, er der masser af muligheder derude. Men en af de smarteste kommer fra danske Nordic Smartlight, der har udviklet en række ret geniale lyskilder under brandet Lite Bulb Moments.

Photos from Lite Bulb Moments's post 28/01/2022

Gør som håndboldlandsholdet og andre som har forstået at UVC lys kan dæmpe smitterisikoen

Smart teknologi gør det muligt at reducere smittespredning i både private og offentlige miljøer med UVC-lys, der styres via en app og
automatisk slukker, hvis der er bevægelse i rummet.

At UVC-lys er effektivt til at uskadeliggøre virus, bakterier, parasitter og skimmelsvamp er veldokumenterede og har været kendt siden
1950’erne. Teknologien anvendes i dag mange steder; i fødevare- og Pharma industrien, til rengøring af flykabiner, til rensning af spildevand på vandværker og meget andet.

Og nu er den naturligt kommet i fokus i forbindelse med Covid-19, hvor alle midler tages i brug for at begrænse smittespredning. Også i private hjem.

Du kan købe din Smart Care UVC lampe på en lang række af online forhandlere.

Søg efter: Lite Bulb Moments Smart Care UVC

”Det handler om at skabe øget tryghed,”. Angsten for at blive smittet med Covid-19 har betydet, at mange leder efter måder at reducere risikoen på, og dette er en af de lette, som kan tage en del af bekymringen fra mange.

UVC-stråling kan ikke erstatte anden rengøring, men den kan være et vigtigt supplement.

LED Soklen er udrustet med en microwave sensor, der sikrer, at UVC-pæren slukker øjeblikkeligt, hvis der er bevægelse i rummet.

UVC-pæren er utroligt simpel at anvende. Man skruer den ganske enkelt i en eksisterende, stor fatning og indstiller den via den gratis Lite app på sin telefon, som kan downloades i App Store og på Google Play.

Ophængt i loftet kan én UVC pære bestråle et areal på 15-20 m2. Pæren kan ligeledes monteres i en standerlampe, som flyttes rundt fra rum til rum.
UVC processen tager max 15-20 minutter, og alle belyste overflader vil være fri for aktive vira, bakterier og skimmelsvampe spore.

”Er der én ting, vi er blevet bevidste om i de seneste år, så er det betydningen af god hygiejne i forhold til almindeligt sygefravær.

Og med et nedbragt sygefravær følger besparelser på arbejdsmarkedet, hvilket ikke mindst i disse tider har stor betydning for hele samfundet.

UVC-lyset kan med fordel anvendes i kontormiljøer, hvor tastatur, mus, telefon, printer og dørhåndtag er oplagte bakteriefælder.
Lige så gavnligt er det i daginstitutioner, hvor man typisk er plaget af virus og højt sygefravær hos både børn og personale i vinterhalvåret.

Og naturligvis i skoler, hvor man særligt på toiletterne med stor fordel kan opgradere hygiejnen. Hvis UVC-lampen tænder automatisk et par gange om dagen, mens eleverne er til undervisning, er man sikker på, at der altid er hygiejniske forhold i frikvartererne. Og skulle en elev smutte på toilettet i timen, ja så slukker pæren blot i det sekund, den registrerer en bevægelse.

Den kan med stor fordel anvendes i vores hjem, hvor køkken og toilet er oplagte steder at opgradere, men pæren kan også bruges mod mider eller til bekæmpelse af skimmelsvamp i kælderen. Den årsagsbehandler ikke, men den begrænser udviklingen.

UVC lampen er dermed endnu et skridt mod en mere hygiejnisk hverdag, et værktøj i bestræbelserne på at skabe et samfund, der er mindre plaget af bakterier, vira og parasitter.
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Happy Holidays from the team at Nordic Smartlight.

We wish you a very Happy Holiday season filled with peace, joy, laughter and prosperity throughout the coming New Year.

We are grateful for the continued support of our customers and partners who have made our success possible.

Thank you for a great year, and we send all our best wishes as we look forward to embarking on a new coming year!

Warmest regards,
Nico Sparboom
CEO Nordic Smartlight ApS.



We are extremely pleased to announce that our Lite Bulb Moments products have today arrived on the shelves of the POWER stores.

This is a very special day that we have been looking forward to for a long time. POWER is a major retailer in Scandinavia and we look forward to this great collaboration.

Take advantage of the Black Friday sale to purchase your light bulb!

Click here to buy your Lite Bulb Moments product:

Our Lite Bulb Moments products are smart lighting solutions to improve the lighting in your home or at work. They give you the right lighting at the right time and can be automated and controlled through our Lite App, your Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa.

Lite Bulb Moments - The right light at the right time.
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The Holiday season is fast approaching, and we are looking forward to having our new party lights available very soon on store shelves.

Our unique and handmade Lite Bulb Moments party lights can be used to add some festive cheer both indoors and outdoors.

The smart light can be controlled through our Lite App, as well as connect to your Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa.

Additionally, they are usable all year round so you'll get a lot of value from them.

Lite Bulb Moments - The right light at the right time.

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Photos from Lite Bulb Moments's post 02/11/2021

The Holiday season is fast approaching, and we are looking forward to having our new party lights available very soon on store shelves.

Our unique and handmade Lite Bulb Moments party lights can be used to add some festive cheer both indoors and outdoors.

The smart light can be controlled through our Lite App, as well as connect to your Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa.

Additionally, they are usable all year round so you'll get a lot of value from them.

Lite Bulb Moments - The right light at the right time.

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Photos from Lite Bulb Moments's post 11/10/2021

The global fight against COVID-19 is still going on and one of the many things we have all learned from this pandemic is the continuous need for sanitation products. The Lite Bulb Moments Smart Care UVC light from Nordic Smartlight is still urgently needed.

The bulb is just another step towards a more hygienic everyday life, a tool in the efforts to create a society that is less plagued by bacteria, viruses and parasites.

Click on the link below to read the test reports on the effects of our Smart Care UV-C light from the Danish Technological Institute

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The long days of summer are past us, and each day will be shorter than the last...Do you have the right lighting in your home?

Nordic Smartlight offers you a smart light bulb that can improve the lighting in your home or at work. This will give you the right lighting at the right time, making it just right for you.

Experience how circadian light can help to give you energy during the day and better sleep at night…

Click on the link below for one of the retailers where our products can be found.

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Smart Care UVC from Lite Bulb Moments is on its way to the US.

We are proud to announce that our unique Smart Care UVC light will soon be sold in the US through a partnership with a very large player called Med Solutions LLC.

This is a very important sales channel for Nordic Smartlight, and we are pleased that our product range is now finding its way to this attractive market.

I look forward to following this marked.

UVC light is used to fight viruses, bacteria and molds on surfaces and in the air in small spaces up to 20 square meters in less than 30 minutes.

The Smart Care UVC light can be used in an incredible number of places, and you do not have to worry about accidentally turning on the UVC light. And even when the UVC bulb is activated, the built-in motion sensor deactivates the UVC light as soon as it detects motion. The UVC light is then activated again after leaving the room.

Learn more about our products at


Today is another bright day!

We are proud to announce that our unique product line "Lite Bulb Moments" will soon be sold in the United Arab Emirates through a partnership with a very large distributor named Shift.

This is a very important sales channel for Nordic Smartlight, and we are pleased that our product range is now finding its way to this attractive market.

I rejoice that people in the UAE should have the opportunity to experience a real "Lite Bulb Moments", and experience how Circadian light can give you more energy during the day and a much better and deeper sleep at night.

The right light at the right time of day changes both your physical and mental well-being.
We will go so far as to call it your new vitamin pill. - Din butik 22/04/2021

Today is bright day!
We are proud to announce that our unique product line "Lite Bulb Moments" from today is available to private consumers directly from Shopping.
This is also an extremely important sales channel for Nordic Smartlight, and we are pleased that our product range is now on this market.
Buy your "Lite Bulb Moments" product here and experience how circadian light can give you more energy during the day and a much better and deeper sleep at night.
The right light at the right time of day changes both your physical and mental well-being. We will go so far as to call it your new vitamin pill.

I dag er en dejlig dag!
Vi er stolte over at kunne meddele, at vores unikke produktserie "Lite Bulb Moments" fra i dag er tilgængelig for private forbrugere direkte fra Shopping
Dette er også en ekstremt vigtig salgskanal for Nordic Smartlight, og vi er glade for, at vores produktsortiment nu er på dette markedet.
Køb dit "Lite Bulb Moments" produkt her, og oplev, hvordan biorytme lys kan give dig mere energi om dagen og en meget bedre og dybere søvn om natten.
Det rigtige lys på det rigtige tidspunkt på dagen ændrer både dit fysiske og mentale velbefindende. Vi vil gå så langt som at kalde det din nye vitaminpiller. - Din butik


Today is another bright day!

We are proud to announce that our unique product line "Lite Bulb Moments" from today is available to private consumers directly from
This is also an extremely important sales channel for Nordic Smartlight, and we are pleased that our product range is now on this market.

Buy your "Lite Bulb Moments" product here and experience how circadian light can give you more energy during the day and a much better and deeper sleep at night.
The right light at the right time of day changes both your physical and mental well-being. We will go so far as to call it your new vitamin pill.

I dag er endnu en lys dag!

Vi er stolte over at kunne meddele, at vores unikke produktserie "Lite Bulb Moments" fra i dag er tilgængelig for private forbrugere direkte fra
Dette er også en ekstremt vigtig salgskanal for Nordic Smartlight, og vi er glade for, at vores produktsortiment nu er på dette markedet.

Køb dit "Lite Bulb Moments" produkt her, og oplev, hvordan biorytme lys kan give dig mere energi om dagen og en meget bedre og dybere søvn om natten.
Det rigtige lys på det rigtige tidspunkt på dagen ændrer både dit fysiske og mentale velbefindende. Vi vil gå så langt som at kalde det din nye vitaminpiller.


Today is a bright day

We are proud to announce that as of today, our unique product series "Lite Bulb Moments" is available for professional electricians directly from Lemvigh-Müller.

This is an extremely important sales channel for Nordic Smartlight, and we are pleased that our product range is now on the market.

Ask you electrician for "Lite Bulb Moments” products and experience how circadian light can give you more energy during the day and a much better and deeper sleep at night.

The right light at the right time of day changes both your physical and mental well-being. We will go as far as to call it your new vitamine pill.

I dag er en strålende dag

Vi er stolte over at kunne annoncere, at vores unikke produktserie “Lite Bulb Moments” fra i dag er tilgængelig for professionelle elektrikere fra Lemvigh-Müller.

Det er en utroligt vigtig salgskanal for Nordic Smartlight, og vi er glade for, at vores produktudvalg nu er på markedet.

Bed din elektriker om “Lite Bulb Moments”-produkter og oplev, hvordan døgnrytmelys kan give dig mere energi om dagen og en langt bedre og dybere søvn om natten.

Det rigtige lys på det rigtige tidspunkt ændrer både dit fysiske og mentale velbefindende. Vi vil gå så langt som til at kalde det din nye vitaminpille.



You don't have to worry about accidentally turning on the UVC light. And even when it is activated, the built-in motion sensor will de-activate the UVC light, as soon as it detects motion. The UVC light then re-activates once you have left the room.

Learn more about our products at


We are happy to indtroduce our latest product: Smart Care UVC Light. Drawning from our extensive experience with light and LED technology, we created a safe to use UVC lamp that can be used to combat hundreds of thousands of harmful viruses, bacteria and germs. Read more about the Smart Care UVC Light on our website:

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Videoer (vis alle)

The Holiday season is fast approaching, and we are looking forward to having our new party lights available very soon on...
Smart Care UVC from Lite Bulb Moments is on its way to the US.We are proud to announce that our unique Smart Care UVC li...
Smart Care UVC Light with built-in motion sensor
Smart Care UCV Light
Nordic Smartlight
How do I install your new Lite App?
How to easily install the Lite App


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