MacMann Prestige Consulting - Hockey Videos

Videos by MacMann Prestige Consulting - Hockey. Consulting Firm specializing in athlete development, coaching, culture and leadership in sports, corporate culture and the oil and gas industry.

The Bagger

A mid-week Prep Camp legend

It doesn't surface very often, but when it does watch out!

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The Bagger A mid-week Prep Camp legend It doesn't surface very often, but when it does watch out!

Small area one on ones saw some heavyweights matching up today!

1 v 1 Double Regroup Off the Wall #prepcamplegend

The stuff these kids can do these days! So important to let creativity reign in drills! Support, foster and cultivate the wildest imaginations and let kids raise the bar for themselves, and for you, as a coach

Another simple head activation drill with wall pickups. We mix in some nice edge usage with this pattern as well. Players choose a cone and attack in around to the wall. The second player lays a puck up the boards. The attacking player needs to pre-scan, pick puck up off wall and then curl back, getting eyes to the quickly and returning to shoot around same cone they first came around. Repeat on all 4 cones. Good drill for goaltenders depth control as well.

Working on activating our head and being aware of our space off pass receptions and turns. doing a great job displaying the benefit of active vision. Awareness is one of the most undertaught skills for players and can be implemented into drills as simply as making the key point of a drill to activate the head and have the body follow. It's a small habit that once mastered creates massive rewards for players.

New board puck up and escape from pressure pattern. Simple shadow lane pressure and then release to keep drill continuous. Nice drill to use in a progression from evasive maneuvers, toe-turns, jab-steps, etc. #hockeyskills #hockeydevelopment #hcskillscoach #evasiveskating #canadahockeyskills #puckskills #hockeyoffense

The young guns working on edge control and protection mechanics. Amazed how quickly they absorb teachings through low intensity high rep stations! "Figure it out" style drills that give them lots of reps, let them soak up techniques significantly more efficiently and effectively! Guided discovery is one of, if not the best pedagogical method to get lessons to stick. Instead of showering kids with information, give them little tidbits that guide them in the right direction and allow them to "teach" themselves #hcskillscoach #guideddiscovery #pedagogicalmethods #skilldevelopment #hockeyskills #hockeydevelopment #calgaryhockey #canadahockey #icehockey #puckskills #puckprotection #edgecontrol #hockeycoaching

Working off-ice on some functional fast feet and agility. Lots of work on our weight distribution, ankle mobility and coordination as we navigate small courses, always finishing with short 5-6 stride sprints. The work the boys have been putting in off the ice in the park sessions is really showing on the ice! Easy, no-gimmick drills kids of all ages can work on in small spaces to make them better! #off-iceskills #hcskillscoach #hockeydevelopment #hockeyspeed #hockeyagility #sprinting

Working on some indirect passing. @deanseymour4817 has taught me a ton about this in the past couple years. Such an under utilized skill, great for aware players and first passes under pressure when direct lanes aren't available. Boys were out of this world with their efforts in today's session. #hockeydrill #hcskillscoach #skilldevelopment #passingskills #hockeyskills #canadahockey

The Swedish Wheel Great crossover and fast feet drill. Players circle the cones using as many crossovers as possible before making a hard cut from speed and accelerating into a quick hip shift and shot release. Fun drill to do because of the amount of speed you produce and the challenge of the cut and hip shift is harder than it looks! Zamboni drivers won't like it, so make sure you spread the pattern to keep them as your friends! #hockeydevelopment #skilldevelopment #skillsession #puckcontrol #crossovers #skatingskills #bodycontrol #hockeyskills

New drill working on tracking board pickups to keep speed and create generate options to make plays with the puck. Players must track puck through rim and follow on angle to gain possession with momentum and speed instead of just cutting the puck off and planting edges. Took some time but saw some real changes in the boys with this drill. This particular rep executed very well by @carsondevine04 in between his saluting of the fans in attendance... #hockeydrill #hockeyskills #hockeydevelopment #puckprotection #puckangles #puckcontrol

Still going ahead with Midget and Junior small group sessions this week. Ice times are: Monday, March 16 from 445-615pm Wed, March 18 from 445-615pm Fri, March 20 from 6-7pm All at WinSport Calgary Still room to add more players Message for details or visit

Working on backhand receptions tobeind pucks in tight spaces around the net. Saw some real improvements in shot release speed and shot selection after multiple reps with this set up. Good goaltender drill as well as goaltenders have to track through obstacles and make quick crisp movements to get onto proper positions.