Lift The Lockdown
Grassroots Group Urging Ontario's Government to Lift the Lockdown
The largest school board in Ottawa has put forward a motion to deny access to education to unvaccinated students.
‘s Vaccine Passport forces struggling businesses to become his henchmen and turn away paying customers. Gyms and restaurants unfairly targeted again. Say NO.
After enduring the longest & harshest lockdown in the world, Ontario kids will be divided into two tiers of students. What's the science to justify this discrimination? Ontario children have suffered ENOUGH. We demand a
Of all the evils imposed on Canadians by government's misguided intrusion into our lives, nothing tops segregation. This practice at Vancouver & Pearson Int'l Airports is demeaning & dehumanizing.
Do not be afraid. Vaccinated & unvaccinated Canadians will join together to fight this every lawful way we know how.
Ontario children need a normal September and a normal school year! It’s time to get back to letting kids be kids.
Why is the science so different in UK and Germany? Canadian kids will be forced into isolation after travel and nothing is being done to protect their freedoms. Contact your MP & MPP and tell them to stand up for children!
You can’t make this up.
🏋️♀️Get pumped! Ontario gyms are finally open! Many have been closed for 399 days.
Despite obesity being a major contributor to negative outcomes when faced with illness, FordNation kept gyms closed for your health and safety. Health and fitness will always be ESSENTIAL!!!
British Health Secretary breaks the taboo and admits that lockdowns cost lives. Politicians who said this in the past, myself included, were badly smeared and paid a price.
But the way to avoid another lockdown is to openly admit that lockdowns are deadly. Your turn FordNation.
The war on Ontario children continues.
Does anybody have an answer? Asking for Ontario.
Toronto's small businesses are tired of being locked down. Now they’re locking out FordNation and John Tory
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! #416
This morning the entire University Health Network has 7 Covid patients, with 0 in the ICU.
But schools are closed & businesses can't fully operate. Gatherings & travel aren't allowed. Fear mongering & Covid ads continue.
This is unique to Ontario. Don't let FordNation tell you otherwise. #
Professional athletes barely missed a game while Ontario children and student athletes lost everything - full seasons, scholarships, growth and development. All must return to play and return to living without restrictions. Let the kids play and
As Ontario begins to reopen on Friday, furious retailers wonder why malls must stay closed ‘If you had a bunch of really smart people sitting in a room trying to think up ways to kill retail, you couldn’t have done a better job than the Ford...
All Ontario science leads to lockdowns, collateral damage doesn’t count and our reopening plan doesn’t include reopening. It’s time to & !
🇨🇦 #416
If Ontario had kept Colour Framework almost ALL of Ontario would be in YELLOW or GREEN! That means open gyms, restaurants & gatherings! We ditched it because political science demands that every region suffers equally & Graph credit
Tell us your biggest buyers remorse. We’ll go first! Ours is having elected FordNation
Ontario is now the ONLY province to lock kids out of school for the rest of year. Despite the pleas of medical experts & parents, Ontario children will continue to suffer as FordNation and Stephen Lecce refuse to follow the science and open schools.
After 8 months of hard lockdown it is finally working! From 2400 cases just 11 days ago, down to 700. It's like a summer miracle of some sort!
Temperature & latitude? Must be misinformation.
FordNation caves to public pressure again! NHL hockey is great, but how about OHL or kids leagues? Now let’s do schools, small businesses & organized sports?
Enough is enough. This is anti democratic and must be stopped. Reply/Tag/Retweet this to your MPP and tell them to vote NO on today’s motion.
There is NO data to suggest that small businesses add to any spread but they remain locked down, many are forced to close or pushed to bankruptcy. Why does FordNation continue to punish small business with no end in sight!?
We must fight to Open Ontario Schools!
This Tuesday, June 1, Ontario's kids are on strike. They will not log in and we will support them as they demand to !
Share & sign the petition
This Tuesday the Kids are on Strike!
Stephen Lecce is teasing parents & claiming to appreciate the advice of pediatric experts at CHEO. All experts have been BEGGING him & FordNation to OPEN SCHOOLS. Why won't he listen to the experts & open Ontario's schools?
Ontarians were counting down the days to camping season. But many grounds are locked down and locked out until they catch up to FordNation’s ever moving goal posts. Camping is safe. Open Campgrounds &
Congrats to FordNation for running the world’s longest lockdown and economic devastation. And he is not done yet! Doug’s bummer summer is coming in hot! ☀️
Doug Ford has failed thousands of hard working professionals working in the beauty and personal care industry.
Show your support this Wednesday by supporting Red Balloon Wednesdays!
Yes. Yes. Yes.
An Increase of 200% in substance use disorders and a 100% increase in admissions for su***de OF CHILDREN. Doctors and parents are screaming for help. FordNation gives them splash pads. Unforgivable. & !
Vaccines don’t end lockdowns, governments do. Canada surpassed the first dose vaccine ratio of the USA but extends the lockdown by months and prolongs our suffering. End the charade & !
Doctors and advocates for Ontario’s children and youth urge our education colleagues to join us in calling on Premier Doug Ford and Education Minister Stephen Lecce to OPEN SCHOOLS.
Our kids cannot wait any longer.
Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation (OSSTF)
Ontario Teachers' Federation - OTF
OECTA - Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association
Elementary Educators