Pathway of the Heart's Intelligence sessions

Pathway of the Heart's Intelligence sessions

Pathway to the Hearts Intelligence

Activate your heart's vortex
A step-by-step formula for a Quantum expansion of the heartmind activations.

These will activate and upgrade what is priority and precious in your life. Abundance, Wealth, Peace

Take back you're power 25/10/2024

Take back you're power, link below
Continued from stories On youtube channel

Take back you're power


Everyday take a MOMENT to connect with more of you. Every day.
Even if you don't feel it, BELIEVE ME more of you knows what you are doing.
More of you will respond in unexpected ways and often out of the blue.


To great hearts minds conspiring for great solutions. 😉♥️👌Jill and me


Is that of interest to you?

The Heart's Compass 03/09/2024

Sharing an Exerpt from my webpage.
About me

The Heart's Compass It all looked good on the outside, in reality, there were hidden ghosts and monsters in the attic, especially in the closet, you could feel it all around an underlying energy




Clarity, a rare and beautiful gem


Hello I'm Anna Z founder of The hearts Compass, this is my passion, my purpose. I was trained decades ago on the master teachings of the high heart and awakenings
I have no fear of the heart, no fear, only knowledge and truth
I have helped thousands of people find their way.
With love, ease and joy and grace.
It is amazing what we can do.
How we can navigaem when we have The Right Compass


The heart's eternal compass


Flowers of energy and light


Awakenings Breathwork Program will be available soon as I just progressed into breathwork training for bigger results. We have to make room in our bodies for our souls energy and frequency.
This ancient and modern science is amazing.


The power of the activated heart


These sessions are very powerful and transformative. They will be on a zoom call, I will send you a link and timing lovely.
For a direct consult or quantum healing. Simply message me to to book or use the bookings calendar. For more info am just a call away


Healing is non linear


Big heart hugs, backstory of mine. Now it's real time, meaning avatar type of heart's intelligence Soul time is Real time. Quantum wave moments and rapid energetic shifts. Bringing in the new earth vibe
Birthing our new stories and bodies. In reality


We are energizing by Raising the Vibrations Baby... Bringing in that clear, laser lucid, crystal christ light.......welcome to your new Avatar, awakened sessions. It's time to shine, find your voice and rise.

Videos (show all)

Hello I'm Anna Z founder of  The hearts Compass, this is my passion, my purpose. I was trained decades ago on the master...
