Aquatic Fashion BD
Coming soon

# 12 cube scape #
-> Mini hob filter
-> gardenSoil
-> co2 : pressurized (1.5 BPS)
-> light: Neo helios flat s3 plus 13 watt
~> Carpeting: cuba
~> Tiger lotus
~> Mexican BD
~> Bucephalandra Green Wavy
~> Micra
~> Moss & other’s
Light & co2 7 hours

Fair Red shrimp 🍤

Peacock moss available
~> Per pot 300tk
~> 2 pot 500tk
Location: free pickup (Lakecity concord) Khilkhet.
~> Dhaka 70/- &
~> Outside Dhaka 110/-

Fissidens fontanus(Phoenix moss) available
~> Pot 550tk
~> 2 pot 1000tk
Location: free pickup (Lakecity concord) Khilkhet.
~> Dhaka 70/- &
~> Outside Dhaka 110/-

=> Midtech submarsed plant’s " package"
1. Blood red SG ~ 10/12 stem 300/-
2. Myriophyllum Aquqticum ~ 10 stem 250/-
3. Limnophila hippo ~ 10 stem 400/-
4. Pogostemon Erectus ~ 12 stem 600/-
5. Cuphea ~ 5 stem = 150/-
Total 1700tk Offer price only 1,000tk
Location: free pickup (Lakecity concord) Khilkhet.
~> Dhaka 70/- &
~> Outside Dhaka 110/-

Show post
ID: Marsilea hirsuta

ID: Ludwigia arcuata
Common Name: Needle Leaf Ludwigia
Family Name: Onagraceae
Origin: North America
Height: 10-20”
pH: 6.5-7.5
Care: Easy
Light: Medium to high
Co2: Not necessary (CO2 necessary for coloration and for it to sprout profusely and produce dense bushes.)
Propagation: Cuttings
Growth Rate: Moderate

Indian Blue Eyed Ricefish 💙
নীল চোখের স্বচ্ছ সুন্দর মাছ
Photo - AquaticfashionBD.

ID: Myriophyllum Aquqticum

=> Midtech submarsed plant’s " package" 2 jon k dewa jabe
1. Ovalis 5 stem 125/-
2. Natans 5 stem 100/-
3. Blood red sg 10 stem 200/-
4. Mexicana bd 1 stem 30/-
5. Myriophyllum Aquqticum 5 stem 125/-
6. Rotala marcandra 10stem 300/-
Total 880/- Offer price only 600/-
Location: free pickup (Lakecity concord) Khilkhet.
~> Dhaka 70/- &
~> Outside Dhaka 110/-
Happy New Year

Green dust algae

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