Professional Driving Cowra

Professional Driving Cowra


My name is Scott and I have been a licenced driving instructor since 2004. I was a driving instructor teaching other Police Officers for 15 years.

I was a Police Officer in the NSW Police Force for 22 years with 19 years experience in the Highway Patrol.


My my my!!!!!!


One of my students recently informed me that she was told by an instructor from Sydney (who visits the Cowra area), that she doesn’t have to indicate when exiting roundabouts. I have since spoken with that instructor and informed him that that is definitely NOT the case!
REG 118 of the Australian Road Rules (ARRs) states quite clearly that you must indicate when exiting a roundabout (whether single or dual lane) unless it’s not practical to do so. The fact that she was indicating at the time of that lesson proves that it was practical. Also, just because some Police may turn a blind eye to that offence doesn’t mean that you still don’t have to comply with Reg 118.
I’m quite sure that instructor isn’t going to pay the fine if she was detected committing that offence.
SO, if any Learners or parents wish to clarify the laws or ‘rumours’ that they may hear pertaining to licence testing or the road rules, please feel free to contact me.
Safe motoring!!
Professional Driving Cowra.


Late night tip 😉😂


Random breath testing leads to finding 4 unrestrained children in Merrylands West.
About 10:35am on Sunday 11 September 2022, police from Cumberland Highway Patrol were conducting stationary breath testing on Merrylands Road, Merrylands West. A black Porsche was stopped at the site and the 38 year old male driver from Merrylands West was spoken to. Upon inspection of the other occupants, police found 4 children, two aged 8 years old, one aged 9 and the fourth child aged 13 years, in the rear seat. Not only were there only 3 seatbelts available for the 4 children, police found none of the children to be wearing a seatbelt, with one child seated on another child’s lap.
The driver was issued with 4 infringement notices for having a child over the age of 7 but under 16 years of age not restrained as prescribed. Each infringement carries a $362 fine and 3 demerit points.
Police are urging all motorists to ensure your children are restrained correctly at all times.

Photos from Traffic and Highway Patrol Command - NSW Police Force's post 07/09/2022

Prior Preparation Prevents A Problematic Position….
Here are some pointers Learners should adopt prior to their ‘P’s test:
- Ensure all of your hours are correctly endorsed in your log book with a minimum of 100 day hours and 20 night hours;
- Ensure all 20 competencies are signed and dated (the coloured pages) in your log book by your supervising driver;
- Ensure that the Statutory Declaration towards the end of your log book is signed by your supervising driver;
- Ensure that there are no dittos or ticks in the columns and that each entry is completely filled out;
- Bring your completed Licence Application Form from Services NSW, & finally,
- Ensure that your vehicle is roadworthy with operating indicators and brake lights as standard….

By following these few basic tips prior to your test may just save you some heartache come test day!


Hey guys, here’s my new logo for my ‘long overdue’ shirts. Another great job by Jeremy at Cowra Mr Embroidery.


- I have been a Professional Driving Instructor covering the Cowra and surrounding townships for the past 18 years teaching in both manual and automatic vehicles.

- 3 hours in your logbook for a 1-hour lesson (max 10 lessons).

- Automatic vehicle now available.

- Competitive rates.

- Over 90% of students obtaining their P’s on their first attempt.

- 5-Star reviews from all 28 reviews on Google!

- Learn the right way from the start!!


Opening Hours

Monday 07:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 07:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 07:00 - 19:00
Thursday 07:00 - 19:00
Friday 07:00 - 19:00
Saturday 07:00 - 19:00
Sunday 07:00 - 19:00