Wellness WA, Perth, WA Videos

Videos by Wellness WA in Perth. Wellness WA is the online destination for beauty, health & wellbeing in Perth & Western Australia.

First I do the workout, then I do the things ⚡️ Those who know me well know that early mornings (pre 8am wake ups 😜) are not a favourite. Yesterday my pal and I had a 7am sweat date at @f45_training_leederville that was tough at the time but afterwards - these were the feels. Energised ☀️ Loving life 💘 Motivated ✨ and Grateful - to myself for showing up and getting it done (son). Today its yin and yoga nidra for a change of pace. Three sleeps til Sri Lanka 🇱🇰! Xo

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First I do the workout, then I do the things ⚡️ Those who know me well know that early mornings (pre 8am wake ups 😜) are not a favourite. Yesterday my pal and I had a 7am sweat date at @f45_training_leederville that was tough at the time but afterwards - these were the feels. Energised ☀️ Loving life 💘 Motivated ✨ and Grateful - to myself for showing up and getting it done (son). Today its yin and yoga nidra for a change of pace. Three sleeps til Sri Lanka 🇱🇰! Xo

Working on those obliques with our trainer @pictureofhealthpt 😍☀️💦🔥 its taken me 4 months but finally the reaults of weekly PT, yoga, running & healthy eating are starting to reveal themselves - can't wait to see what's next! Xo