Agrinas Albania Foundation

Rural Developement and Civic Society Organization Agrinas - Albania is founded from AGRINAS - Netherlands in 1995.

The vision of the Agrinas - Netherlands, since from the beginning of the work in Albania was to establish an Albanian NGO that will continue on it self and being a support to the Albanian Community needs and be part in solving the communal problematic . In 2001 Agrinas - Albania was established with its Albanian Board of Directors and with its Executive Management Structure under the Albanian law


Our Lord, the MESSIAH, has won his battles historically!
As our battles are won again by our living God, only and only when His will DECIDES! We enjoy and benefit from His successes reconciled to His faithfulness! He stands together with Creation only for His glory. Humanity is constantly drowning in the evil that surrounds it, with the evils that sin itself breeds and own. EVIL and its products are taking hold today and are destroying the social order, - evil continues to make it worse and worse, interfering with the formative structure of creation, - the cell and the family! Jesus defeated death, and He gave life another meaning, that of eternity with a new body, - He testified the body among humanity, and promised that there will be a new earth and a new heaven without EVIL! Evil will be isolated in its eternity, and GOOD will live in its eternity with the Creator!
Reconciliation with good, with the Creator, is healing for the body and for all nature!

Because He Lives (Official Music Video) | Celtic Worship 24/04/2022

Te dashur miq, (Eng below)
Jezusi u ringjall! Ai jeton përgjithmonë! Ai erdhi nga përjetësia dhe shkoi në përjetësi! Vdekja nuk e mbante dot! Ai e mundi vdekjen! Drita e Tij do të shkëlqejë mbi çdo komb dhe Ai do të sjellë një shpatë drejtësie!
Qofshi të bekuar nga puna dhe emri i Tij, sepse Ai jeton!

Dear friends,
Jesus has risen! He lives forever! He came from eternity and went into eternity! Death couldn't hold him! He conquered death! His light will shine on every nation and he will bring a sword of justice!
Be blessed by His work and His name, because He lives!

Because He Lives (Official Music Video) | Celtic Worship 👉Subscribe to Celtic Worship:

Photos from Agrinas Albania Foundation's post 25/12/2021

Gëzuar Lindjen e Krishtit, Shpëtimtarit dhe fitimtar mbi vdekjen! Gëzohuni ju bij të dritës.

Sepse na ka lindur një fëmijë, një djalë na është dhënë. Mbi supet e tij do të mbështetet perandoria dhe do të quhet Këshilltar i admirueshëm, Perëndi i fuqishëm, Atë i përjetshëm, Princ i paqes.
Isaia 6:9

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